Owners in a sectional title scheme who own more than one unit next to, or above, each other can opt to have their sections consolidated into one. While this is not a complicated process, it does need to comply with a few regulations of the Sectional Title Act. Why consolidate two sections? The consolidation of sections is normally determined by two factors...

On 1 July 2021 the Protection of Personal Information Act (or POPI Act) commenced. This act will have substantial bearing on how institutions, companies and other organizations - as keepers of information - protect and use information they have in their possession. This includes all community schemes such as bodies corporate. While the Act does not set specific rules, it does...

Managing the finances of a body corporate requires careful attention, both to the budgeting process and the implementation of maintenance projects within the framework of the approved budget. Budget control is key One of the most important fiduciary responsibilities of trustees is to manage the budget effectively. Without careful budget planning and control, the scheme may not have sufficient funds for planned...

Owners of units in sectional title schemes are often surprised when they need to pay an excess on a claim submitted to the body corporate’s insurers. It seems like many owners do not understand the relationship they have with the scheme’s insurance policy and the terms attached to such a policy. One of the important responsibilities of trustees is to ensure...