Bodies corporate need to pay continuous attention to its maintenance and financial responsibilities but around mid-December each year some may need a break from the daily management activities of the scheme. Taking a break should not be a problem if trustees and managing agents plan ahead. There are three key elements that should be considered and planned for, these are finance,...

The introduction of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (STSMA) in 2016 changed the way we vote at annual general meetings (AGMs). Prior to this date, voting was mostly used to elect trustees as other agenda items were simply determined by a show of hands on the basis of a majority vote. In some ways the changes in the new Act...

A common dispute in sectional title has to do with smoke emanating from either a braai fire or someone smoking a cigarette. Many sectional title residents seem to think that smoke is something that one must tolerate in a community scheme environment. Let’s look at what the Act and conduct rules say about second-hand smoke entering a neighbour’s private space...

With the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) recently promulgated many individuals are asking if their personal information is being shared with third parties against their will and if their information is being kept secure by those who have their information. Owners of sectional title properties should be asking the same questions of their scheme’s managing agents and trustees - whether...

Sectional title legislation requires all sectional title schemes to have a 10-year maintenance plan, also referred to as a maintenance repair and replacement plan (MRRP), which estimates the maintenance cost required by year over a period of 10 years.  This plan does not generally include day-to-day maintenance items as those are allocated to the administrative budget. Let’s consider why a 10-year...