We live in the age of instant communication. These days, people seem less willing than before to spend time talking on the telephone or attending a meeting in person. Aside from the effect of COVID-19, the exponential growth of technology in the communication sphere has certainly added to the reluctance of people to connect in person. Community scheme management has certainly...

The Sectional Title Schemes Management Act (STSMA) brought many new compliance requirements for sectional title schemes. Although some of these are from the old legislation prior to 2016, most are new and require more frequent assessment. Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) All sectional title schemes are obliged to be registered with CSOS and each owner in a scheme must contribute a monthly...

A common dispute in sectional title has to do with smoke emanating from either a braai fire or someone smoking a cigarette. Many sectional title residents seem to think that smoke is something that one must tolerate in a community scheme environment. Let’s look at what the Act and conduct rules say about second-hand smoke entering a neighbour’s private space...

With the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) recently promulgated many individuals are asking if their personal information is being shared with third parties against their will and if their information is being kept secure by those who have their information. Owners of sectional title properties should be asking the same questions of their scheme’s managing agents and trustees - whether...

Like any business, a body corporate is dependent on the income it derives from its operations. In the case of a body corporate, this income comes from its members paying levies without which the body corporate cannot function. How are levies calculated? The budget must be tabled for review and approval by the scheme members at every annual general meeting (AGM). The...