
The road infrastructure and the resultant road behaviour in an estate with many units are probably more important talking point than in a smaller complex; yet, it is a topic that comes up every now and then. In a larger estate, the road infrastructure serves to direct traffic in and around the estate in the least disruptive manner possible and speeding...

On 1 July 2021 the Protection of Personal Information Act (or POPI Act) commenced. This act will have substantial bearing on how institutions, companies and other organizations - as keepers of information - protect and use information they have in their possession. This includes all community schemes such as bodies corporate. While the Act does not set specific rules, it does...

It can be quite costly when leaks cause damage inside a sectional title unit. This can happen when a geyser bursts or malfunction, or as a result of a leak from a pipe or the roof. The reality is that in many cases, the damage can be avoided – or at least, minimised – if it is maintained regularly. There are...

When owners are unable to attend a general meeting, they can appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. Previous legislation did not set out any clear requirements for appointing a proxy at a general meeting and the number of proxies a person could represent was limitless, leading to owners taking advantage of this loophole and not attending...

It is undeniable that managing agents are critical to the successful management of a sectional title scheme. Selecting the right managing agent for your scheme is an important decision for which the trustees are responsible for. So how does one go about making this big decision? In this blog post, we attempt to distinguish between the different types of agencies and the...