
Trustees are appointed by the members of a scheme to manage the body corporate’s affairs. Trusteeship involves spending private time on dealing with issues and taking decisions that determines the wellbeing of the scheme. Sometimes trustees lose sight of their responsibilities and take decisions that are biased or not in line with sectional title legislation. Thinking about the issues trustees have...

For many owners in a sectional title scheme, attending the annual general meeting (AGM) is the only opportunity to participate in discussions and decisions concerning the complex. The trustees are responsible for arranging and running the AGM with the help of their managing agent. The changes made to the Sectional Title Act along with the establishment of the Sectional Title Schemes...

One of the most important decisions the members of a sectional title scheme must make every year is the appointment of trustees to manage the affairs of a body corporate. Unfortunately, it is not always given the consideration it deserves and internal conflict often results in members voting against candidates they dislike as opposed to voting for people based on...