
Owners in a sectional title scheme who own more than one unit next to, or above, each other can opt to have their sections consolidated into one. While this is not a complicated process, it does need to comply with a few regulations of the Sectional Title Act. Why consolidate two sections? The consolidation of sections is normally determined by two factors...

Owners of units in sectional title schemes are often surprised when they need to pay an excess on a claim submitted to the body corporate’s insurers. It seems like many owners do not understand the relationship they have with the scheme’s insurance policy and the terms attached to such a policy. One of the important responsibilities of trustees is to ensure...

It is undeniable that managing agents are critical to the successful management of a sectional title scheme. Selecting the right managing agent for your scheme is an important decision for which the trustees are responsible for. So how does one go about making this big decision? In this blog post, we attempt to distinguish between the different types of agencies and the...

When the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act no 8 of 2011 was promulgated in October 2016, many trustees and owners in sectional title schemes were under the impression that special levies were now a thing of the past. What lead to this impression was the obligatory requirement for a maintenance, repair and replacement plan (MRRP), compelling schemes to save for...