
There is a lot of talk about the new POPI Act (Protection of Personal Information Act) and the impact it will have on personal information held by third parties. Some sectional title owners may have concerns as to how safe their personal information is with the body corporate or managing agent. What is the POPI Act? The purpose of the POPI Act...

A shortage of parking bays in a complex is bound to create management problems. Usually, there are more vehicles than there is parking space available on the grounds of the complex. Despite this, some residents ignore the shortage and add to the irritation factor of all concerned by using visitors’ bays and parking on common property. Using visitor bays Depending on the...

Sectional title developments typically have standardised designs and uniform materials are selected for windows and doors. Although windows and doors are part of a section, they effectively form part of the common property. While the management and maintenance of common property are the trustees’ responsibility, owners are responsible for 50% of the cost to maintain windows and doors. Replacing windows or doors When...

A body corporate is required to hold its annual general meeting (AGM) within 4 months after the end of its financial year. The meeting notice should be sent out at least 14 days prior to the meeting. All meetings other than the AGM are called special general meetings (SGM). The notice period required to hold SGMs is 30 days but this...

With the promulgation of the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act of 2011 (the Act), community schemes and its members are given an alternative forum where they may resolve their differences. Disputes between owners, with the trustees or with the managing agent may be lodged with the Ombud service for conciliation. The functions of CSOS The Community Schemes Ombud Service has a juristic nature,...