
While sectional title plans look very simple in design, it is important to understand the meaning and implications of the lines on the plans. The plans further provide essential information that is required to calculate accurate participation quotas (PQ) as it indicates the size in square meters of each section in the scheme. In this blog post, we consider the information...

Managing the finances of a body corporate requires careful attention, both to the budgeting process and the implementation of maintenance projects within the framework of the approved budget. Budget control is key One of the most important fiduciary responsibilities of trustees is to manage the budget effectively. Without careful budget planning and control, the scheme may not have sufficient funds for planned...

Community scheme living can be challenging as it often involves people from diverse backgrounds and with different personal preferences. Issues that become a point of contention involve noise disturbance, the keeping of pets, parking problems and refuse disposal, to name only a few. Know the rules The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (STSMA) has prescribed rules know as conduct rules which schemes...

When the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act no 8 of 2011 was promulgated in October 2016, many trustees and owners in sectional title schemes were under the impression that special levies were now a thing of the past. What lead to this impression was the obligatory requirement for a maintenance, repair and replacement plan (MRRP), compelling schemes to save for...

For many owners in a sectional title scheme, attending the annual general meeting (AGM) is the only opportunity to participate in discussions and decisions concerning the complex. The trustees are responsible for arranging and running the AGM with the help of their managing agent. The changes made to the Sectional Title Act along with the establishment of the Sectional Title Schemes...